Bibliografia Essenziale di Scienze Visive
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*Bartlett F.C.
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*Berne E. -
Games people play - Grove Press, 1964
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*Blakemore C.
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*Bransford J.D.,
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*Broadbent D.E.
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*Brooks L.R.
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*Cornsweet T.N.
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*Davis G.A.
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*Dodwell P.C.
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*Enright J.T.
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*Flavell J.H.
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*Gazzaniga M.S.,
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*Gazzaniga M.S.,
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*Gibson J.J.
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*Gombrich E.H.,
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*Graham C.H.
(Ed) - Vision and visual perception - Wiley, 1965.
*Gregory R.L.
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*Gregory R.L.
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*Harris C.S.
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*Hochberg J.
- Perception - Prentice-Hall, 1964 (trad. it. Psicologia della percezione
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- In the mind's eye. In R.N. Haber (Ed) Contemporary theory and
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*Hubel D.H.,
Wiesel T.N. - Receptive fields and functional architecture in two
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*Hulse S.H.,
Deese J., Egeth H. - The psychology of learning - McGraw-Hill, 1975.
*Hurvich L.M.,
Jameson D. - The perception of brightness and darkness - Allyn &
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*James M., Jongeward
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*Jones E.E.
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*Julesz B. -
Binocular depth perception pf computer-generated patterns - Bell
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Binocular depth perception without familiary cues - Science, 1964.
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Foundations of cyclopean perception - Univ. of Chicago Press, 1971.
*Kavanagh J.F.,
Mattingly I.G. (Ed) - Language by ear and by eye. The relationship
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*Kimura D. -
Cerebral dominance and the perception of verbal stimuli - Can. J.
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*Luckiesh M.
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*McGhie A. -
Pathology of attention - Penguin Books, 1969.
*Moray N. -
Attention: selective processes in vision and hearing - Academic
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*Neisser U.
- Visual search - Scient. Am., 1964.
*Newell A. -
Production systems: models of control structures. In W.G. Chase
(Ed) Visual information processing - Academic Press, 1973.
*Paivio A. -
Imagery and verbal processes - Holt, 1971.
*Palmer S.E.
- Visual perception and world knowlegde - In: Norma D.A., Rumelhart
D.E., LNR Research Group, Explorations in cognition - Freeman, 1975.
*Pettigrew J.D.
- The neuphysiology of binocular vision - Scientific American, 1972.
*Polyak S. -
The vertebrate visual system - Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957.
*Posner M.I.,
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*Pylyshyn Z.W.
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imagery - Psychol. Bull., 1973.
*Ratcliff F.
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*Rock I. - An
introduction to perception - Macmillan, 1975.
*Rodieck R.W.
- The vertebrate retina: principles of structure and function -
Freeman, 1975.
*Saltz E. -
The cognitive bases of human learning - Dorsey Press, 1971.
*Schneider G.E.
- Two visual systems - Science, 1969.
*Selye H. -
Stress without distress - Lippincott, 1974.
*Stevens S.S.
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*Teuber H.L.
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*Turner J. -
Cognitive development - Methuen, 1975.
*Werblin F.S.
- The control of sensitivity in the retina - Scientific American,
1973. *Woodworth R.S.
- Experimental psychology - Holt, 1938. |